Sunday, September 6, 2009

Departurting from Dickens

An episode of South Park I was fortunate to see.

One surrounding Pip’s life before the show.

Great Expectations, the life that Pip might know.

Strange is Dickens with South Park absurdity.

The tale seems quite simple enough.

Boy meets girl.

Boy pines.

Girl brainwashed by sour aunt and incites passion.

then remorse.

Absorbing mystery behind love and beauty portrayed,

What happens when one is in love and left dismayed.

South Park awakened desire to see the movie.

Twelve years ago the previews ran often on TV.

Water fountain kiss clung hard to my fantasy.

Tongue touching youths an unusual extreme.

Inevitably returned to the back of my mind,

Out of necessity of maintaining my daily grind,

How curious it was an ekprhasis poem assigned,

The following Sunday the film’s glow shined.

A film starring Ethan Hawke and Gwyneth Paltrow,

Tell the modernized tale inspired by Charles Dickens.

Probably a response to modernized Juliet and Romeo.

Set in the 20C USA, there are no horses or chickens.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

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