Sunday, September 6, 2009

Salmon Roll



deadly skate-

board with income-

petent long haired male

Caucasian on top. Barreled

down UCSD’s Dr. Seuss tribute’s

southwest hill. Semi-present with pings

from hunger, I. Struggled to walk upward

by the colony of bike racks. Curiously taken

by the sight of a bear turbulently swimming down

into a stream saturated with salmon.Hundreds of cen-

timeters from contact. Frozen.My eyes flashed to capture

his. Windows expressed temporary vacation away from re-

ality into own thoughts.Spurred by strange visage, right foot

and hand pulled in to rendezvous with the rest of physical me.

Eyes tightly closed. Body winced. Imagined pain. In a micro eyes

opened and head shook at previous unnecessary reaction. I contin-

ued to swim. Mere inches traversed upward. Piercing female scream.

I stopped in tracks. Proven to be a faithful salmon, I continued upward.

Suddenly I metamorphized into an American shad and about faced. Asian

female bent over in the vicinity of Imprints on library walk.Was rubbing out

the soreness of her ankle. Surely on the verge of tears. Apologetic and con-

fused Caucasian gathered lonely skateboard. Female forgave in spite of pain.

Denied Asian male friend.Had suggested to visit health office to get checked

out.Apology and suggestion respectively repeated.Again forgiven and denied.

I stared direct and critical at careless Caucasian again confronted by a look of

loss.Silver Surfer mounted on not so trusty steed.Rode off. Northerly tempest

expected to cover more transitioning inhabitants of Library Walk. Blanket of

distortion and dread. Accepting victim limped leaning on friend in same direc-

tion. The parting of party closed curtain. Drama seeking bystanders dispersed.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

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